Milwaukee Chapter Black Nurses Association, Inc.
A Chapter of the National Black Nurses Association Inc.

Chapter Overview
Milwaukee Chapter National Black Nurses Association was organized in 1980, by seven registered nurses (Emma Smith, Carol J. Calvin, Brenda Dockery, Bunny Booker, Laura Mathews, Ruby Dancil and Eva Allen) who saw a need for this nursing organization in Milwaukee, WI.
Chapter Info
Milwaukee Chapter Black Nurses Association, Inc.
Edna Hudson-Kinzey, MSN Ed, RN
12605 West North Avenue, #282, Brookfield, WI 53005
Chapter Dues
National and Local Dues:
Chapter Dues expires on your Anniversary Date
Registered Nurse-
National Dues: $160
Chapter Dues: $50
Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse-
National Dues: $125
Chapter Dues: $50
Unlicensed Nursing Student-
National Dues: $35
Chapter Dues: $50
Assoc. Member
Associated Member-
National Dues: $175
Chapter Dues: $50
New Grad RN
1st Year Grad RN-
National Dues: $150
Chapter Dues: $50
New Grad LPN / LVN
1st Year Grad LPN / LVN-
National Dues: $115
Chapter Dues: $50
Retired Member-
National Dues: $100
Chapter Dues: $50
Students MUST forward directly to the chapter a letter on their school stationary, signed by Nursing Administration stating you are currently enrolled and that you do not have an LPN/LVN or RN License
Please Note
The Membership Retention and Growth Campaign is designed to RETAIN our most loyal members, ENCOURAGE prior members to return and ENTICE new members to join for 2025.
National Lifetime Dues
$3,000.00 plus annual local dues. After initial LT payment, , local chapter dues are due each year to be a member in good standing. Processing fees will apply.