Your questions answered
Top questions
When I click on a link to download a file it does not work.
Files that are available for download are in a PDF Format. You need a PDF Reader installed on your computer. You can click here to get a FREE copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader.
When clicking on a PDF thumbnail or link I get a message that says "You are not authorized to view this page."
This message may appear if you are using Internet Explorer. Open Internet Explorer and click on the Tools menu scroll down and select Internet Options. Click on the Advanced tab and scroll to the Browsing section. Take the check mark off of Show friendly HTTP error messages. Click on Apply then click on OK and restart your browser.
I just received a second invoice for my membership and I have already paid and my check has cleared
If you know you have already paid and your check has cleared, your new Member Card with the new dates was probably mailed recently. Please allow 2 weeks from the date your check cleared before you can expect your new Member Card.
How can I obtain copies of an article written in your NBNA Newsletter or Journal?
You may contact the National Office by phone, e-mail, or regular mail and request the article. Please include the Title, Author, and Volume in which the article appeared. The Journal of NBNA is indexed on PubMed and you may visit their website by clicking here if you are uncertain of the Title, Author and or Volume in which the article appeared. The cost to purchase copies of articles is $10.00, and may be paid for by check, money order or VISA/MasterCard.
I want to subscribe to the NBNA Newsletter or Journal. What do I do?
The NBNA Newsletter is published four times a year. A one-year subscription is $25.00. The NBNA Journal is published twice a year. A one-year subscription is $35.00. You may subscribe to either or both of our subscriptions on-line by clicking on the Rates button under the Publications menu, or by contacting our National Office by e-mail, phone or letter.
Who can apply for a NBNA Scholarship?
NBNA Scholarships are offered to both undergraduate and graduate students in accredited Schools of Nursing. The full Scholarship criteria is outlined in the Scholarship Application and online. To find out how to apply for an NBNA Scholarship click on the Scholarship Program button under the Membership menu.
What do I do if there is no chapter in my area?
You can join as a Direct member and will have no Chapter affiliation. You can also research starting a Chapter in the area. Information on “Starting a Chapter” of NBNA is available upon request to the National Office by e-mail, phone, or letter.
Questions answered
I just received a second invoice for my membership and I have already paid and my check has cleared.
If you know you have already paid and your check has cleared, your new Member Card with the new dates was probably mailed recently. Please allow 2 weeks from the date your check cleared before you can expect your new Member Card.
If I pay now when will my dues expire?
Dues expire on 12/31 of every year
Will I have to pay the full amount for RN/LPN/LVN Dues?
You may deduct 1/12 of $150 for each month that has passed, i.e. dues paid in March will be $125 (January & February have passed). Dues are only pro-rated for new RN/LPN/LVN members.
How do you determine Student, 1st Year, and Retired status?
- “Student” is a person enrolled in a nursing program who does not have an RN license.
- “1st Year Graduate” is someone who is within one year of having graduated from nursing school.
- “Retired” is a retired nurse/member who is at least 65 years old.
What are lifetime dues?
Lifetime membership fee is $3,000, it is payable to the National Office in six payments of $500. A Lifetime member must pay Chapter dues as well.
What do I do if there is no chapter in my area?
You can join as a Direct member and will have no Chapter affiliation. You can also research starting a Chapter in the area. Information on “Starting a Chapter” of NBNA is available upon request to the National Office by e-mail, phone, or letter.
I was issued a User ID and Password for the Members Only section of the NBNA website, and now it doesn’t work. What happened?
The Login Number will be either your Member Number. If you forget your password click on the link Forgot your password?. If your last name includes a space, enter that space in your Password. Once logged in, you can change your password.
How are Chapter dues established?
It is up to the individual chapter. Chapter dues should cover chapter expenses for the chapter and a portion should go toward payment of the chapter’s annual chapter dues (a chapter’s fee for membership to NBNA) and Liability Insurance to the National Office. (Due annually by 12/31).
How can I pay my dues?
Dues may be paid by personal check, certified check, money order, and Chapter check, MasterCard or Visa. The full amount must be paid to NBNA. Chapters may collect dues in installments.
Is NBNA Tax-Exempt?
Yes, NBNA is a 501 C (3) Organization. NBNA Chapters must check with their Secretary of State for information on becoming incorporated, and tax exempt within their state. Once they become incorporated, and tax-exempt in their state they then may request an employer ID number from IRS, then send the information to NBNA, our attorney submits the information to IRS and the Chapter then becomes tax-exempt under NBNA (the parent organization).
Questions answered
Who can apply for a NBNA Scholarship?
NBNA Scholarships are offered to both undergraduate and graduate students in accredited Schools of Nursing. The full Scholarship criteria is outlined in the Scholarship Application and online. To find out how to apply for an NBNA Scholarship click on the Scholarship button under the Membership menu.
Do I have to join the Organization to apply for a Scholarship?
Yes. NBNA Membership is required in order to apply and receive an NBNA Scholarship. Membership fees start as low as $35.00 per year to join.
What must I submit with my Scholarship Application?
In addition to the Scholarship application, an applicant must also submit: a 5-page Essay; two letters of recommendation; Official Transcripts from an accredited School of Nursing (or high school, if applicant plans to enter a nursing school that semester); and a recent photograph.
How will I know if I have been awarded a Scholarship?
Scholarship winners will be notified by July 1st of each application year. Scholarships will be presented to the Awardees at the NBNA Annual Institute and Conference.
CEUs Offered at the NBNA Conference
Questions answered
How many CEUs does an individual receive at Conference?
It varies according to the content of the program usually 10-16 CEUs are awarded.