How to Start a Chapter
Dear Prospective Chapter Organizer:
Thank you for requesting information on “How to Start a Chapter“ with the National Black Nurses Association, Inc. (NBNA).
Chapter Application Kit
Here is a basic chapter application kit, which includes the following:
NBNA’s headquarters must receive the following completed information
NO LATER than March 15th.
Starting a Chapter
To start a chapter in your area you must have 15 members or more. Seven (7) of the initial members must be RNs and the Executive Board is made-up of all licensed nurses.
Membership Dues
Membership dues for the following categories for the first year:
$160.00 for each RN
$125.00 for each LPN/LVN
$35.00 for each (unlicensed) student member
(student must supply the chapter with a letter from the school on school letterhead and signed by the Administrator, indicating the student is unlicensed)
$100.00 for each retired nurse
$150.00 for each first-year grad
(graduated in 2022)
$115.00 for each first-year LPN/LVN grad
(graduated in 2023)
$3,000.00 for each Lifetime Member
Plus local dues for the first initial year. After the initial payment, direct payment of local dues is required each year to your chapter to be a member in good standing.
Chapter Induction
Chartered Chapters are inducted annually at the NBNA Annual Institute and Conference. Therefore, if you wish to be chartered at the next NBNA Conference, the completed applications and all documents must be received by March 15, 2024. You will receive the chapter’s charter at the 52nd Annual Institute and Conference.
Membership Packages
Once National receives your completed packet, each member will receive an ID Card and membership package from National welcoming the members to NBNA.
Certification of Dues and Bylaws
The Chapter President must certify by signing the application that all local (if any) and National dues have been collected. Upon receipt of all required information, your Chapter Bylaws will be forwarded to the NBNA’s Bylaws Committee for their review. Your Chapter will receive notification by June 1st if the bylaws are approved or if additional information is required. After the final approval of the bylaws, the Bylaws Chair will forward recommendations to NBNA’s Board of Directors for their approval.
Organizational Steps
During this time, select your Chapter leaders, apply for your EIN# with the IRS. Go to and type in EIN and open a bank account.
Website Information Update
During the month of August/September, the Chapter will receive a form to update National with information for the website.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee should consist of all licensed nurses.
If you have further questions, please contact Estella Lazenby, NBNA Membership Services Manager by telephone 301-589-3200; or email Estella Lazenby at
We look forward to welcoming you into our family.

President/CEO, National Black Nurses Association
Associate Dean for Equity and Inclusion
Research Professor
Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing
The Pennsylvania State University
College of Nursing