National Black Nurses Association Newsletter
The NBNA eNewsletter is published quarterly. It is filled with information on the membership and articles written by NBNA members, NBNA partners and sponsors on a variety of nursing and health issues. Themes have included men’s health, COVID19, sickle cell disease, public policy, aging and research. In 2005, NBNA published a special issue on “Surviving the Storms: Katrina, Wilma and Rita”. The articles were written by NBNA members as survivors and caregivers. In 2009, NBNA produced a 56-page newsletter on global health. A 50-page newsletter was produced on public policy issues in December 2010. In February 2012, NBNA published the newsletter focusing on men’s health care and written by male nurses. In 2020, the newsletter focused on COVID-19 and sickle cell disease.
Based on an article that she wrote for the Newsletter in 2006, Cynthia Hickman, Member, Fort Bend County Texas Black Nurses Association and St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital, Houston, Texas, received a $50,000 leadership award from Johnson and Johnson.
Dr. Jennifer Coleman is the Editor-in-Chief.
- Newsletter
Issues in Archive
- NBNA Celebrates its 50th Anniversary at the 2021 Conference - Summer 2021
- NBNA News: Special Edition on Hospice and Palliative Care - Fall 2021
- NBNA News: Special Edition on Mental Health and Resiliency - Spring 2021
- NBNA News: Special Edition on Clinical Trials- Winter 2021
Newsletter Article Submission
Click for instructions on how to submit articles for inclusion in the newsletter.
NBNA News Guidelines for Submission:
The NBNA News is the official newsletter of the National Black Nurses Association. NBNA News is a member benefit that is dedicated to informing the membership about current health care advances, board members and local chapter’s activities, acute and chronic diseases, nursing research, national healthcare discussions, career and education opportunities, and health legislation. All members and non-members are welcome to submit information for publication into NBNA News.
Topics included are related to healthcare and nursing, but not limited to the following:
- Advocacy
- Community Services
- Cultural Competence
- Disease Management
- Disparities in Health
- Diversity
- Genetics
- Global Health
- Health Policy
- Illness Prevention
- Leadership
- Mentorship
- Nursing Education
- Quality
- Technology
- Workforce
Preparation of Article:
- General: Times New Roman
- Font size 12
- Double-spaced
- Margins: 1” on all sides
- Length: Maximum 1000 words
The name of the article should appear on the first page and should include the author’s name with credentials, contact information, position, and institution. Provide a chapter’s name when appropriate.
Mary Culpepper, MSN, RN
443 Professional Drive, Avondale, TN, 33223
(555) 646-5656
Clinical Nursing Specialist
Avondale Medical Center
Central Avondale Black Nurses Association
Title: Analysis of a Progressive Education Program among Americans with Diabetes
Please note:
Credentials will be placed as followed: highest degree, licensure, and certification graphs and pictures must be included in the document or as an attachment.
References must be in APA format, listed in alphabetical order. Four (4) basic forms are presented. Please consult the current APA style reference manual.
Brown, A., & Smith, M. (2010). Reading, understanding, analysing, and the application of nursing research (10th ed.). New Jersey: Lincoln, Inc.
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (2011). Title of the article. Title of Periodical, 19(3), 233-239.
Online periodical:
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (2011). Title of article. Title of Periodical, 19(3), 233-239. Retrieved October 10, 2011, from https://www.nbna.org
Online document:
Author, A. A. (2011). Title of work. Retrieved October 10, 2011, from https://www.nbna.org
Biographical Sketch:
Please include a 3-5 line biographical sketch
Kristina Campbell, PhD, RN, CNE, is the director of the Master in Nursing degree program at Plato University. Dr. Campbell’s research focuses on educational disparities among ethnic minority students. She is a member of the Hartford Area Black Nurses Association.
Please include a professional photograph.
Members on the Move:
All members are welcome to submit professional nursing and chapter activities for publication. Member submission must include the following: Member name, credentials, local chapter role (if any), name of chapter, and details to be published. Please include photo with caption as necessary.
Regina Carver, MSN, RN, Treasurer, Piney Branch BNA, received her certification in nursing administration. Regina is the patient care coordinator at Westchester Medical Center in Cleveland, OH.
The BNA of Ocean Springs held its annual fall scholarship banquet at the Westin Resort. The chapter awarded 5- $1,000 scholarship to freshman nursing students at Ocean Spring College. The keynote speaker was Dr. Susan Parker, Vice President for Ocean Spring Medical Center.
Pictures for Members on the Move
Chapter, group, and individual pictures must include captions. Each person in a picture must be identified with the full name. All relevant information pertaining to the picture should be provided such as the name of the event, location, date, and any other relevant information.
Letter to the Editor:
Members are welcome to submit open letters to the editor prior to the deadline. All appropriate responses will be published in the proceeding NBNA News.
Advertising Rates:
Ads to be published must consult the following: https://www.nbna.org/advertising.
Also contact dmance@nbna.org
Circulation: 5,000
Send ONLY Black and White ADs
Full Page:
7.5″W x 10″D = $600.00
½ Page:
7.5″W x 5″D or 3.5″W x 10″D = $325.00
¼ Page:
3.25″W x 5″D = $200.00
Deadlines below are for Ads:
Winter – copy due February 10th
Spring – copy due April 10th
Summer – copy due August 10th
Fall – copy due October 10th
Publication Date:
NBNA News is a quarterly publication. Deadlines for submitted information are as followed:
Deadline: February 10th
Publication: March
Deadline: May 10th
Publication: June
Deadline: August 10th
Publication: September
Deadline: November 10th
Publication: December
Submission (All information for NBNA News):
Email (preferred): nbnanews@nbna.org
National Black Nurses Association
Attn: NBNA News
8630 Fenton Street, Suite 910
Silver Spring, MD 20910
** Articles are reviewed and may require editing. Unless clearly specified, views, columns, and letters published in NBNA News represent the opinions of the author and do not reflect the official policies of NBNA.